Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Joys of Caring from A to Z

A_chieving a sense of fullfillment
B_brigthening the days od others
C_hanging the world for the better
D-iscovering the joys of helping others
E-arning respect and admiration
F-eeling good about yourself
G_iving back to others
H_earing "thank you" time and again
I_nspiring others with your dedication
J_oining the community of caring people
K_nowing you give your best each day
L_ifting spirits
M_aking great use of time and talents
N_oting the difference your efforts make
O_pening your heart to others
P_utting compassion into action
Q_uieting other's concerns and fears
R_eaching out to those in need
S_preading smiles wherever you go
T_ouching lives
U_nderstanding the importance of giving
V_aluing everyone you meet
W_arming hearts
eX_pressing your generosity
Y_ear-round appreciation
Z_eroing in on what's important--CARING!!!

The Joys of Caring from A to Z

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